Conditions d'utilisation

SAS with a capital of € 30 270 350,80

Head office: 40 impasse Madeleine Brès 77127 Lieusaint - FRANCE

Phone: +33 (0)1 60 62 42 50
RCS Melun B 915 012 231

General terms of sale of the products available on


These conditions of sale shall apply to all contractual relations between customers of the online shop ((being hereinafter referred to by the term 'Buyer') and :


Commercial court of TOULOUSE deposit Number 1701 of the 29 / 01 / 2015 [Intra-Community VAT] : FR 71 809272701

(being hereinafter referred to by the term "Seller").

The Seller is the certified distributor of Airbus S.A.S, located 1 rond point Maurice Bellonte, 31707 Blagnac Cedex, France (being designated as «AIRBUS») and provides the sale of the products on under his own name.

AIRBUS is the only holder of the property rights attached to products sold in the shop online (logos, trademarks, copyrights, etc.) as well as other associated areas.

The products are exclusive to AIRBUS. The general trading conditions of the seller mentioned below, are the only existing conditions .

In accepting the contract, the Buyer acknowledges the validity of the General conditions of sale.

1. The Contracting Parties and the delivery area

The online shop is only for consumers.

Any complaint about the site or delivery services should be addressed to the Seller. The products offered for sale through will be delivered in all countries included in the list of the site. If the country in which you wish to receive the order does not appear in the list, please contact customer service at the following adress:

2. Application of the contract

All information on the products on, such as technical specifications, pictures or dimensions are not prohibitive and are subject to changes, unless they are expressly identified as being prohibitive. Offers on are not binding for the Seller and do not constitute an offer to the public, but a simple invitation to submit a tender. Only the Buyer purchase order has a value of crippling contractual proposal. The submission of an offer to purchase involves the following steps: the Buyer can select the items of his choice and place them in the shopping basket by clicking on the ' add to Basket' button or clicking on the cart icon. It is possible to choose the quantity of items to add or remove the basket. When you have finished shopping, the uyer is prompted to enter these datas in order to enter the order. If the Buyer wants to pay by credit card, the data will be forwarded to the site of a provider of payment services authorized to proceed verifications.

Ordering a product implies the acceptance of the General conditions of sale by the purchaser, and by clicking "I have read the General conditions of sale and I will adhere without reserve", it will be associated with the order. The buyer has the possibility to read, print, or save the commercial terms on his computer at any time through a browser. By clicking "place order" the buyer Gets an order for the purchase of the items placed in the shopping basket and is subject to the above conditions. The seller concludes the contract by shipment of the goods. The contract is concluded and enter into force when the buyer receives the order confirmation. The order and the confirmation of the order shall be regarded as received when the parties to which they are addressed have the possibility to access the telematic messages.If the Buyer does not receive an order confirmation or other communication from the Seller within 24 hours, the Buyer is asked to immediately contact the Seller at the following address:

3. The purchase of an item:

The website of our online shop is available in English, German, French and Spanish. The content of the contract will be stored by the seller. When the order is placed, the Buyer no longer has access to this content. However, the confirmation of the order or a link, contains all the details of the contract. When ordering, the Seller may reserves the right to allow the purchaser to buy only a precise amount.

4. Prices

The prices and conditions of ordered items match those displayed on the site on the day of issuing the command. The prices indicated involve deliveries to addresses within the main countries in European Union and include VAT. For all other countries, the final price will not include the VAT. The VAT rate is determined by the country of destination of the goods ordered. The Buyer is responsible for the payment of fees, taxes and other charges applied in the country of delivery.

5. Delivery Dates

Delivery times and availability of the products listed in the online shop are not prohibitive. In case of unavailability of the ordered item, the Buyer is informed immediately that the goods will be not delivered, and any payments already made by the Buyer will be refunded without further delay. If the Seller is not responsible for the unavailability of the item, it reserves the right to remove item of the order. Overflow exceeding four weeks of the agreed delivery time, the Buyer has the right to require written delivery of the order within a reasonable time, or termination of the contract after the passing of this new period. The claim for delay can only be taken into account in cases of negligence or misconduct deliberate on the part of the seller. The delivery deadlines are extended due to unforeseen impediments independent of the will of the Seller including, but not limited to the difficulties of energy supply, the lack of modes of transport, the embargoes, the disruption of production, social conflicts, delays or errors in delivery on the part of suppliers and force majeure. If the occurrence of one of the above events rendered the performance of the contract impossible, the Seller would be released from his obligation to deliver.

6. Packaging and Delivery

Packing and delivery costs are charged separately, depending on the type and the place of delivery, they will be indicated on the confirmation of the order, before sending. Shipments are made at the risk and peril of the Buyer. In the absence of instructions on the part of the Buyer about the shipment when ordering, the Seller reserves the right to ship in the best way the merchandise, without that it may incur as a result one any responsibility. If, at the delivery, the Buyer finds that the parcel is damaged (after transport), he should only accepts it and make a claim with the carrier for damage recorded.

7. Reserve of property

The seller retains the right of ownership in the goods delivered until the full payment of the purchased items.

8. Payment & payment conditions

All purchases made on must be paid by credit card or Paypal. The credit cards accepted are: VISA and Mastercard. The necessary payment data will be encrypted before being transferred to a secure payment server and will be verified. These data will be protected against unauthorized third party access as well as Seller or AIRBUS cannot access. For accounting - administrative requirements, the Seller reserves the right to check the general information given by the purchaser. In case of payment by credit card, the purchase amount will be debited to the purchaser following the completion of the order.

9. Claims and defective products

The Buyer must check the articles at the time of delivery, their quality, their quantity and their compliance with the command, and possibly report anomalies by sending a message to the following address: This defect on an article must be indicated within a period of 2 weeks. Rejected items must be returned with shipping, shipment and taxes paid. Seller disclaims any liability with regard to returned items unless it is the responsibility of the degradation products. This provision applies also in the processing of the order. It is impossible to return, cancel or Exchange special commands if they are not defect.

10. Law disputes

The language of this contract is the French language. The present conditions of sale are subject to French law. In case of dispute, the french courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

11. Final provisions

The present conditions of sale as well as all the contracts are subject to French law with the exception of the parties governed by the United Nations Convention on contracts for the international sale of goods. In case of dispute, the jurisdiction is that of Toulouse, in France, except as otherwise provided in favour of the Buyer. If one of the aforementioned clauses is invalid, it will not affect the validity of the other. An invalid or unenforceable clause will be replaced by a statutory regulation. The Seller reserves the right to modify these general terms and these conditions at any time. The current version is available on the website

12. Copyright

The entire contents of the website is protected by copyright. The use of all or part of this site, including reproduction, electronic or conventional, dissemination transmission, changes, the use of links or the use for commercial and advertising purposes is prohibited, except with written permission.

13. Security

User's data shall be effectively protected against loss, falsification, errors unauthorized techniques, theft, illegal use, access, or other treatment. For any other legal information on the treatment and protection of customer information, please consult the privacy policy at this site.

14. Archiving evidence

SYNNEO SAS will file the purchase orders and invoices on a reliable and durable support constituting a copy faithful in accordance with the provisions of article 1348 of the civil Code. The computerized society SYNNEO SAS records will be considered by all parties as proof of communications, orders, payments and transactions occurred between the parties.

Cancellation policy / Right of return & recantation

Right of revocation

You have the right to revoke this contract without stating reasons within a period of fourteen days. The revocation period is 14 days from the date on which a third known to you that is not the carrier or yourself has or have taken possession of the goods. To exercise your right of cancellation, you must contact us:  

Postal mail: 

Let's shop Airbus 


40 impasse Madeleine Brès - 77127 Lieusaint - FRANCE


Consequencies of the revocation

If you revoke this contract, we will refund all payments we received from you, including the cost of delivery (with the exception of the additional costs resulting from the fact that you chose another type of delivery than the standard delivery cheapest we offer), as soon as possible and no later than fourteen days from the date we receive notice of your revocation of this agreement. For this refund, we use the payment method that you have implemented during the original transaction, unless another formal agreement was passed with you; you will not be charged any expenses because of this rebate. We may refuse refund until we have recovered goods or until you have demonstrated that you returned the goods, whichever is the more close. You must return us the goods without delay and in any case no later than in 14 days from the date on which you inform us of the revocation of this agreement. The delay is required when you send the goods before the expiration of the period of fourteen days. You are supporting the direct costs of the return of the goods. You need to support a possible depreciation of the goods if this depreciation is due to unnecessary handling of these to verify their nature, their qualities and their mode of operation.  

COREPILE : FR001718_066RTH - ECOLOGIC (DEEE) : FR001718_05FELW - CITEO (Papiers graphiques) : FR001718_03IGTM